so now my thieving hands take me to Mr Shepard fairey and his creation, the OBEY poster. In its origins it came about through what Fairey calls a "Happy Accident" in 1989. The original image called "Andre has a posse" (see below) and was circulated around Eastern America by the hip hop and skateboarder subculture.
These 2 stickers have been heavily parodied and stolen themselves since their creations, with different zeitgeists and figures. What I love about these is the meaninglessness about them. Much like my previous posts about Warhol, Its a tried and tested method that you can take pretty much any image and steal it for yourself by reproducing it to the point where it ceases to be what it already was and becomes something so much more.
But what can I do to steal this image and make it mine?
Mr.Steve Jobs and Apple. Now, I own apple products and its pretty much safe to say I enjoy owning them, but that sure as hell does not mean I trust them. In my previous post about the keep calm posters when I talked about juxtaposing 2 stolen images into one, I wanted to develop this further. To me, this personifies my interpretation on Apple and their sheer dominance they have in our lives now which has just gone strength to strength. I wanted to create a little unease, almost like a 1984 thing. We will all soon be slaves to a cyborg ruler so until the beachball of death appears im guna sit this one out and show you the rest of what ive done.
Just developed it further, started to look more sinister.
also did multiples of the design to see how they look
after I was satisfied with my obey I had a go at stealing my own version of the posse posters.
Thought this would make him badass
Now this one was a personal protest against apple really and to show ruthless they can be.
In the end, people with apple products become whores to pimp steve, I know I am.
So at the end of all this I feel now I have stolen this image enough to call it my own. In execution, I would go out and sticker these up and try and reproduce them in abundance. To any other person it may seem obscure, some may not even notice them yet they mean something to me. Ive stolen this image for my own personal gain, much like fairey did with Andre the Giant. So what would you steal in this situation? what would you want to say?
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